Why Is My Bull Terrier So Hyper? - Bull Terrier World

Why Is My Bull Terrier So Hyper?


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Why Is My Bull Terrier So Hyper?

Owning a Bull Terrier can be great fun as they love to play and get up to mischief. Bull Terriers are incredibly high-energy dogs that have a zest for life and plenty of stamina to spare. You may be wondering “Why Is My Bull Terrier So Hyper?” and we can totally understand your concern.

With that amazing amount of energy, and sometimes hyperactivity you might be wondering, do Bull Terriers ever calm down?

Well, when young, they can run all day. But the good news is that they begin to calm down over time. They'll still be energetic dogs into their adult years and will need certain routines to remain calm.

Signs your Bull Terrier is hyper

Bull Terriers can grow restless and hyper without exercise, companionship, and adventure. It can be frustrating to have a hyper Bull Terrier with far too much energy.

The outward signs of a hyper and restless Bull Terriers include:

  • They will ignore your commands
  • They become inattentive and unable to pay attention
  • They show erratic and destructive behavior
  • They bark excessively 
  • They show wild energy
  • They can even be a liability near kids 

By knowing the signs, you can take the proper measures to regulate your Bull Terrier’s behavior.

Are Bull Terrier puppies hyper?

Bull Terrier pups seem to have boundless supplies of energy. It is perfectly normal for Bull Terrier puppies to be exceptionally hyper. They are always in motion, always moving and getting into trouble.

Bull Terriers' high level of curiosity encourages them to make new discoveries each day.

Just like with any kid, a Bull Terrier pup’s attention span is quite short. They tend to lose focus very quickly. It's important to keep your Bull Terrier training sessions short and to end them on a positive note.

During the first months, in a new home, it's common for Bull Terrier pups to explode with high energy and then crash to take a nap.  

When do Bull Terriers calm down?

A Bull Terrier’s hyperactivity will vary dramatically depending on their age. Their hard wiring tells them that they should remain active and alert you to every little thing.

The good news is that Bull Terriers begin to calm down with time. On average, Bull Terriers calm down at the age of about 12-24 months when they have reached maturity. You will see a slight difference after the age of 6 months. When a Bull Terrier reaches the age of one year, expect them to calm down a lot. 

A Bull Terrier may continue to be hyper after two years, but it will never be to the same extent as in their puppyhood. Again, this is a generalization.

What Causes Hyperactivity in Bull Terriers?

The causes for hyperactivity in Bull Terriers are usually a mix of genetic makeup, their environment, training, and the natural growth process. So, there can be many factors at play. Let's have a look at some of the causes of hyperactivity in Bull Terriers:

Lack of appropriate and ample physical and mental stimulation can make your Bull Terrier hyper. They need to get exercise, play with toys, and learn new tricks.

Bull Terriers that suffer from boredom might become hyperactive. When their natural instinct is denied, they become frustrated and become hyperactive. 

Your Bull Terrier needs more training. Your dog may be hyper because they just don’t get your command. You need to train them to obey you and stay calm.

A Bull Terrier who is anxious may become hyper and act in a destructive manner.

During the first few months, socialization, proper training, and positive reinforcement are key to a well-rounded and calm Bull Terrier. Thus, it’s certainly crucial to take extra care of your Bull Terrier during the puppy years to prevent hyperactive behavior.

8 Tips for dealing with hyper Bull Terrier 

You need to use your Bull Terrier's natural energy in positive ways. Providing plenty of consistent exercise and attention is the best way to deal with a hyper Bull Terrier. You should create an environment that is both nurturing and safe for your Bull Terrier.

Here are some 8 simple tips you can try to calm your hyperactive Bull Terrier:

Ignore the hyper dog behavior

Bull Terriers seek attention from you. By paying attention to the hyper Bull Terrier, you’re reinforcing this behavior. Try to ignore your dog if they jump at you in an overexcited way. You might be surprised how quickly your Bull Terrier settles down.

Give plenty of exercise and playtime

Bull Terriers need exercise and playtime to release their pent-up energy otherwise they may develop behavior issues. Provide sufficient exercise and playtime to your Bull Terrier. This will reduce their hyper behavior.

Once you’ve burned that extra energy away, your Bull Terrier should be pleasantly exhausted and too tuckered out to jump and nip.

Establish a positive reinforcement protocol

Rewards like treats, playtime, and chew toys are the motivators for your Bull Terrier. You can reward your Bull Terrier for showing some calmness and settling down. Do not forget to leave interactive toys for your Bull Terrier before leaving them alone. Remember that punishment is not the answer. Never punish your dog for undesirable behavior.

Provide mental stimulation

Give your Bull Terrier chew toys, puzzle toys, and other fun and interactive activities. This will distract them and keep them calm. Physical and mental stimulation through exercise and training will help channel your Bull Terrier’s energy in a constructive way.

Be patient and consistent 

You need to be consistently firm and patient with your Bull Terrier. Training and behavioral modification of your Bull Terrier take time and effort. Take your time, lower your expectations, and allow your Bull Terrier to move at their own pace.

Work on responses to simple commands

Make your Bull Terrier learn some basic commands like sit, stay, and quiet. The mental strength required to focus on these tasks will help your Bull Terrier stay calm in the long run. Whenever your Bull Terrier becomes hyper, make them respond to these simple commands.

Check Your Own Energy

Your Bull Terrier cannot be calm if you aren’t. Watch your own behavior and emotions around your Bull Terrier. Any energy you project, your furry comp will reflect back. Try to stay in a calm assertive state of mind and project yourself as a confident pack leader.

Seek professional help

If all else fails, seek help from a professional dog trainer. You can take your Bull Terrier to a training class or hire a professional trainer for one-on-one training. If you continue to have problems, consider hiring a dog behaviorist to help.

Final thoughts

Bull Terriers offer tons of fun and affection to their owners. You should provide them with a stimulating, loving, and energizing environment. This will keep them calm, happy, and healthy.

You can give your Bull Terrier a great life by initiating training early and keeping them on a regular schedule of playtime and exercise. If your Bull Terrier seems hyper, or overly excited, the problem likely stems from boredom and a lack of stimulation.

What are the main triggers for your Bull Terrier’s excitement? What tricks have you used to restore that calm energy? Share your experience with us. We would be happy to hear from you.