Why Is My Bull Terrier Snoring?
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
©budrio via Canva.com
Whether you find your Bull Terrier's snoring adorable or bothersome, understanding the reasons behind it is key. The snoring can stem from their unique anatomy, with their flat face and short muzzle potentially causing airway obstruction, especially during certain sleep positions. Environmental factors like dust or allergens might also play a role, leading to inflammation in the nasal passages.
Distinguishing between normal snoring and potential health issues is important. While occasional snoring is typical, sudden and loud snoring, accompanied by signs of discomfort, could signal problems like infections or nasal issues. Consulting a vet is wise if concerns arise.
Yes, it's normal for Bull Terriers to snore.
For many Bull Terrier owners, snoring is probably one of the most hilarious and weird sounds their pet produces.
Snoring can be due to an obstruction in their airways, any allergic reaction, the position your Bull Terrier is sleeping in, genetics, or an underlying health issue.
There are many causes of snoring in Bull Terriers. Here are some of the most common reasons for snoring.
Bull Terriers like to snuffle around for anything, which means they may get things stuck up their nose. It could be just dust, seed lodged up the nose, or even some grass which may cause a blockage in their airways. If your Bull Terrier suddenly starts snoring when they haven't before, they may have something causing a blockage in their airway. These obstructions can also be more serious, including abscesses, benign lumps, and tumors of the nose, palate, and throat.
Your Bull Terrier will often snore more depending on what position they are sleeping in. Sleeping position can make a huge difference in the airflow into your Bull Terrier's throat. Back sleepers generally have their throat partially blocked by their tongue, which can result in loud snoring.
There are some medicines that will relax your Bull Terrier’s muscles around their nose and throat. This may cause more obstruction and snoring.
Bull Terriers can get many allergies, some of which are airborne. Your Bull Terrier’s snoring can be a symptom of a reaction to airborne allergens like dust, dirt, pollen, and smoke. During an allergic reaction, your Bull Terrier’s airways can become swollen and inflamed, and their body produces mucus to try and fight the problem. This inflammation and mucus increase congestion and can restrict the movement of air more than usual, therefore more snores.
If your Bull Terrier happens to be overweight or obese, this can be a strong reason why they snore. Any excess weight carried by your Bull Terrier will put more pressure on their breathing. Excess internal fat in Bull Terrier's neck, throat, and around their rib cage makes their breathing systems work harder every time they take a breath, making them produce snoring sounds.
Respiratory issues, including bacterial or fungal infection and asthma, can often cause snoring. Other symptoms of respiratory infection are discharge from the nose and eyes, coughing, sneezing, and decreased physical activity and appetite.
Here are some ways to prevent Bull Terriers from snoring:
Change your Bull Terrier’s sleeping position
The quickest way to stop snoring is to change your Bull Terrier’s position. If your Bull Terrier lies on their back, it may help to encourage them to lie on their side. Elevating their heads with a pillow can also reduce their night-time musical efforts. At home, you may wish to try changing your Bull Terrier’s bed.
Keep your Bull Terrier at a healthy weight
An overweight Bull Terrier will snore more. Don’t overfeed your Bull Terrier or give them too many snacks. Keep your Bull Terrier healthy and feed them the right amount of food.
Keep your Bull Terrier exercised
A Bull Terrier that is exercised enough will keep their weight down and also tone up the muscles which could reduce snoring.
Bath your dog regularly and keep their space clean
Bathe your Bull Terrier properly and use high-quality hypoallergenic shampoo. Also, wipe their face with a clean cloth to get rid of all the muck build-up.
Try to prevent allergies
Be sure to keep your dog's sleeping area clean and bedding washed or vacuumed on a regular basis. It will keep those allergen levels low in your Bull Terrier's spaces. You may want to start a cleaning process with the onset of each new allergy season. Air purifiers can help snoring triggered by allergies and respiratory irritants. Quitting smoking and cleaning your home from the smell of smoke can be healthy for your Bull Terrier and everyone who comes into your home.
Use an air humidifier
You can also provide an air humidifier near your Bull Terrier's sleeping zone. It'll add moisture into the air which is effective in preventing dryness that could cause your Bull Terrier's throat flaps to come in contact and produce a snore.
Keep your Bull Terrier hydrated
Your Bull Terrier’s snoring can be caused by a dry mouth and throat. So, keep your dog hydrated by leaving a bowl of fresh water in places inside your home.
If you own a Bull Terrier who has always snored at night but is happy, active, and well otherwise, there is likely no need to worry about it. However, you should definitely arrange an appointment with a vet if your Bull Terrier suddenly starts snoring when they didn’t before, or if their snoring suddenly gets worse.
Keeping your Bull Terrier on a good diet and a regular exercise regimen will certainly reduce the chance of snoring and will be hugely beneficial in many other ways. Some simple changes can be made to reduce snoring. Try some of the tips mentioned above and see if any of them help.
Snoring is perfectly normal for Bull Terriers, and most of the time it's nothing to be concerned about. Bull Terriers snore for a number of reasons, and fortunately, most of which are treatable. However, if your Bull Terriers’ snoring is accompanied with other physical or behavioral changes, a vet visit is best.